2022 Orbitmas
2022 Christmas Edition Orbits
Release date: December 18th, 2022
Print Run: 10,000
Designed by: Daniel Schneider
Trailer by: Peter Palka
Manufactured by: US Playing Card Company
Distributed by: Art of Play
Someday we'd love to have at least a decade's worth of Christmas Orbits. When I was a kid, Christmas was magical. It was my favorite time of the year. As you get older the Christmas magic fades and we spend each year trying our best to recapture what we felt as kids. This is why we love Christmas movies. They are time capsules. I want this deck and the Orbit Christmas videos to spark this sense of nostalgia in 10 years. I want these cards to be time capsules. I want people to use these cards around the holidays so they can have another reminder of the good memories as they get older. This is the motivation behind the Christmas Orbits. In time, the Orbit Christmas videos will only grow in holiday spirit and production value. It's my dream for cardists and Orbit collectors to grow older, have kids, and show their kids these videos around the holidays. I'd love for Orbit to provide a bit of magic for every future Christmas to come.
Merry Orbitmas fam!
- Chris